Monday, June 24, 2013

Skinny Chicken Nuggets

I never thought I'd have such a wildly appropriate use for this picture. If using it is wrong, I don't want to be right. 

This is probably one of my favorite recipes because it's so simple and who doesn't love chicken nuggets? If you don't love them, you're wrong anyway. I found this gem on and I don't think there was much to alter for what I like. Makes 4 servings; 164.9 calories per serving.

16 oz skinless boneless chicken  breasts, cut into even bit sized pieces
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tsp olive oil
6 tbsp whole wheat Italian seasoned breadcrumbs
2 tbsp panko breadcrumbs 
2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese
olive oil spray

Preheat oven to 425° and spray a baking sheet (I used a regular metal baking sheet) with olive oil spray.

Put olive oil in one bowl and the panko, parmesan cheese, and breadcrumbs in a separate bowl.
Season chicken with salt and pepper and place in bowl with olive oil. Mix until chicken is coated well.
Place chicken, a few at a time, in breadcrumb mixture to coat and then onto baking sheet.
Lightly spray the top with olive oil spray then bake 8-10 minutes. Turn over and cook another 4-5 minutes or until cooked through.

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